Current Production

Meet the Company

As well as Helena, Robert and Joseph, the company for the Research and Development process of this 'Marie de France' project includes Katie Pritchard, Josh Haberfield, Rhiannon Sommers and Timothy Blore.

Timothy Blore

Rhiannon Sommers

Joshua Haberfield

Katie Pritchard

"Marie ai nun, si sui de France"

Marie wrote in her 'Fables', "My name is Marie and I am from France" but she lived in England, speaking the type of Anglo-Norman language typical of the court of Henry II, who might have been her half-brother. Her writing paved the way for works such as the Canterbury Tales and the heroic legends of the likes of King Arthur and Robin Hood. As such, she is a major figure in the development of British storytelling.

Current Production

Before Chaucer and Shakespeare there was Marie de France, the medieval Abbess who wrote rollicking tales of jesters and jousters, of minstrels and magic, of knights and nuns. These tales were called 'The Lais of Marie de France'

Heads and Tales is currently developing a retelling of these stories in their actor-musician style for performance later in 2019.

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